The community of nations acquainted with measures on social protection of women undertaken in Uzbekistan

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At the United Nations office in Geneva among UN members distributed information material "Social protection of women - one of the priorities of the trade union movement of Uzbekistan".
The document notes that the years of independence were a period of prosperity in the lives of women in Uzbekistan. It is a time of important change, enhance their social and political activity, the role and status in meeting the challenges of social and state construction.
One of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a social, economic and legal protection of women, decent conditions to improve their all-round well-being.
Trade unions of the country also actively participate in this process. In particular, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions conducted systematic work to ensure socio-economic interests and human rights of women. For this purpose within the Council of Trade Unions Council of women was created. The commission on women are working at sectoral and regional trade union organizations. They carry out systematic measures to further strengthen social protection of women workers. So, through collective contracts and agreements additional benefits and guarantees for them being created.
Its emphasized that today collective contracts and agreements include special sections containing systemic measures to improve the quality and efficiency of social protection of the beautiful half. In particular, through the these local acts provided maximum employment, increase of income of working women, the promotion of employment of graduates of professional colleges and universities is carried out.
In providing employment for women the focus is drawn on outwork. At the expense of trade union funds new jobs for women are being created. For example, in 2014 Council of the Federation of Trade Unions created about 100 new jobs for women in Navoi, Surkhandarya and Khorezm regions. In the newly created jobs public control over working conditions is conducted.
It is reported that on the part of trade unions is expanding the scope of free legal advice, especially for women entrepreneurs, work begins in the small business and private entrepreneurship. Legal assistance to women through the unions’ "Hotline" is also provided.
In addition, companies and organizations for young mothers with children aged 2 to 3 years by collective agreements providing material support. For working mothers in the non-state sector enterprises established working hours not exceeding 35 hours per week, with full payment. Workers who have a child under the age of 2 years, use nursing breaks, these breaks are included in working hours and paid at the average monthly wage.
The document further provides information about the system of constant encouragement of the most active women. For example, in 2014 the Council of Federation of Trade Unions 1960 women were awarded electrical appliances in the amount of 1 billion 500 thousand soums. In sanatoria of trade unions a lot of attention is paid to health of women, especially in rural areas. Year by year increasing the number of social vouchers, aimed at improving women of childbearing age and women veterans.
Its noted that all this work is being done in the social partnership with the state, trade unions and employers.
IA "Jahon", Geneva