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Mahym Orazmuhammedova for the first time has tried on the chess crown at the age of five, when she became a champion of Karakalpakstan among children under the age of ten years.
Young athlete at that time has small experience - two years at the chessboard. In the same 2005 girl takes part in the championship of Karakalpakstan among adults, in the first seven rounds of picking up five points and gets the second rank. A year later, at age six, she was assigned to the first category, and in 10 years, she becomes a candidate for master of sports.
Taking part in the annual tournament "Chess of "Kamolot" Mahym wins every time. In 2008, for example, in Tashkent held a final competition among the pupils of sports schools, where she became the second, and a year later became the winner of the national round of "Umid Nihollari" and went to the final, which was held in Gulistan.
— In 2011, at the national tournament in Tashkent, which organized in honor of Independence Day, I took the second place - says Orazmuhammedova. - I think, last year became the most successful for me, when I finished second in the national championship among girls under the age of 14 years, receiving a ticket to the championship of Asia in New Delhi. Also I participated in the opening festival "Valley of friendship" held in Fergana, where I became the winner.
Today Mahym engaged in a chess section of the Republican multidisciplinary junior sports school №3 of the city of Takhiatash under the guidance of an experienced coach Abdikerim Turayev. She tries to win and to take new heights not only in sports but also in education. Participating in the Olympiads, she repeatedly took prizes. In the future, she sees herself as world chess champion.