The election results are officially approved at the CEC meeting

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On October 28, the Central Election Commission announced the preliminary election results. Based on this, today, October 29, the next meeting of the Central Election Commission was held.
At the meeting, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission noted that the final turnout was 74.72 percent, and each of the political parties participating in the elections received more than seven percent of the votes. Based on this, the elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis in a single electoral district, held on October 27, 2024, were recognized as valid.
Based on the protocols of the territorial election commissions on the clarification of votes cast for deputies to the Legislative Chamber from political parties in a single electoral district, the issue of distributing deputy mandates among political parties was considered.
The Central Election Commission, based on Article 961 of the Election Code, distributed the seats of deputies of the Legislative Chamber between the political parties that received seven or more percent of the votes of voters who took part in these elections.
Thus, the distribution of deputy seats in the elections to the Legislative Chamber in a single electoral district is as follows: the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan – 26 deputy seats, the Democratic Party “Milliy Tiklanish” – 14, the People’s Democratic Party – 13, the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” – 12 and the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan – 10.
Mukhtarama Komilova, UzA