The Legislative chamber held meetings with international observers

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The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the Director of the Institute of CIS and Eastern Europe, President of the international centre for the study of electoral systems Alexander Tsinker (Israel) and a member of the Parliament of Turkey I. Safi, in the framework of their participation in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, reports IA UzReport.
At the meetings it was noted that the result of the reforms in the socio-political, socio-economic policy of Uzbekistan became, firstly, improvement of the welfare of the population, the growth of civic engagement, achievements in economics and the social sphere, which are appreciated by the world community today. Parliamentary reforms contributed to the strengthening of Parliament in the system of bodies of state power in the country.
Foreign guests got acquainted with the activities of the Legislative chamber, showing interest in the work on improvement of the legislative process, the experience of parliamentary oversight, the importance and development of inter-parliamentary relations.
Watching after the reforms and I can say that the legislation in your country is improving year by year, - said Alexander Tsinker. - In recent elections, political parties widely advertised their election program in the media. Accordingly, the electorate was well informed about the candidates and knew whom to vote. In the presidential election the people voted primarily for stability and peace in the country. At the polling station, which I managed to visit, was located in a mountainous area. I was amazed to see a modern school of music and art there. This is one of examples of the care to youth. A country, in which children are loved, has a great future.
I had the opportunity to freely observe the elections in some polling stations of the city of Bukhara, - said I. Safi. – I have to note a thorough preparation for this political process. All conditions for voters are available. I drew my attention to the good organization of the elections. Members of election commissions were perfectly prepared. The electoral process was held in compliance with national legislation of Uzbekistan, which is consistent with international standards.
The guests expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome and the confidence that their work will contribute to further strengthening of the principles.
IA "Jahon"