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The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare held a meeting with US Ambassador to Uzbekistan Pamela Spratly, reports information service of the Ministry.
During the meeting P.Spratlen was informed in detail about the work of the Ministry in the areas of social protection and employment of the population, in particular the provision of social services to the elderly and disabled, the conditions created for pupils of houses "Muruvvat" and "Sahovat" rehabilitation of war veterans and labor sanatoriums, the work carried out by the introduction of modern online services to provide quality and efficient services for people in need of social assistance.
It is noted that the government pays special attention to the employment of graduates of colleges and high schools. To address these issues a year to adopt appropriate programs approved by the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, which provides a set of measures to create jobs, including the advanced development of small and medium-sized businesses, vocational training and other professionals.
Turning to the issues of cooperation with international organizations, it was noted that the ministry is very fruitful collaboration with the International Labour Organization, the World Bank, the negotiations on the implementation of the program Better Cotton Initiative. In a joint project with UNDP is developing proposals for institutional reform agency, launched a functional analysis of the Ministry. The result of this work will be a more efficient use of existing resources, which will certainly affect the quality of social services provided to the population.
US Ambassador P. Spratlen said that a lot of attention, which gives the Uzbek government employment of graduates of colleges and high schools. Speaking about cooperation, the diplomat noted that the active joint work with the ILO, the World Bank, other international organizations, as well as local and foreign NGOs indicates solid commitment to the implementation of Uzbekistan’s international norms and conventions ratified by the country in the field of protection of labor rights.
Also P. Spratlen expressed interest in promoting public awareness and US experts on the dynamic changes taking place in the socio-economic life of Uzbekistan.
The Ambassador emphasized the fact that the company its countries are interested in developing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. In this context, the exchange of information on socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan plays an important role in this process.
At the end of the meeting the Ambassador once again thanked for reception and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.
IA "Jahon"