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Representatives of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kyrgyzstan, according to the official invitation of the Educational Complex "Ilim" took part in the festive event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II.
The participants of the meeting were representatives of official, political circles and mass media of Kyrgyzstan, as well as heads and members of diplomatic missions of the CIS countries accredited in Bishkek.
During the event, the audience was informed of Uzbekistan’s preparations for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in World War II. In particular, it was emphasized that May 9 in Uzbekistan celebrated Memorial Day, which this year will be held under the motto "Jasorat, burch, matonat" (heroic deed, duty, resistance).
At the same time it emphasized that the national holiday for years of independence has become a symbol of deep respect for the memory of those who did not spare life for the freedom of the homeland, peace, tranquility and well-being of our people. In Uzbekistan, there is not a single family which would not touch the test of World War II. That is why this landmark date honored in each house, each mahalla.
However, the participants were informed of the initiative of President Islam Karimov to declare 2015 in Uzbekistan the "Year of attention and care for the senior generation". In this context, it was noted that in order to implement this initiative, adopted a relevant state program, which provides for implementation of a wide range of measures to improve the level and quality of life of older people, increasing the extent of their material and moral support, the improvement of social, pension and health care.
IA "Jahon", Bishkek