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The President of Uzbekistan receives ICESCO Director General

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The President of Uzbekistan receives ICESCO Director General

Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Salim AlMalik, who arrived in our country to participate in the meeting of tourism ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which will be held in the city of Khiva, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.

According to the press service of the Head of our state, practical aspects of developing a constructive dialogue and fruitful interaction with this authoritative regional structure in science, culture, education, and tourism were discussed.
The ICESCO Director General, expressing deep gratitude for the warm welcome, highly appreciated the results of the policy implemented in Uzbekistan to care for, comprehensively study, preserve, and popularize the rich scientific and cultural heritage.
The President of Uzbekistan noted with particular satisfaction the current level of mutually beneficial and dynamic cooperation with the organization.
In 2007, Tashkent was declared the capital of Islamic culture. Bukhara received this status in 2020 and Samarkand in 2025.
This year, Khiva is the tourist capital of the Islamic world. At the International Islamic Academy in Tashkent, there is a special ICESCO department for the study of Islamic civilization.
New areas of cooperation include the exchange of experience and implementation of projects for the preservation and restoration of manuscripts and other historical monuments, the training and advanced training of Arabic language teachers, and the organization of international scientific and cultural events.
The issue of opening a regional representative office of ICESCO in Uzbekistan will be worked out to further enhance practical interaction and promote joint projects.