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The President of Uzbekistan speaks in favor of uniting international efforts within the framework of the Green Silk Road

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The President of Uzbekistan speaks in favor of uniting international efforts within the framework of the Green Silk Road

On October 18, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Beijing took part in the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and its plenary session on “Building Green Silk Road in the interests of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature”.

The summit, moderated by Vice President of the People’s Republic of China Han Zheng, was also attended by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, heads of state and government, and heads of financial institutions.

In his speech, the President of Uzbekistan sincerely congratulated all event participants on the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative.

It was noted that in a short period, this grandiose idea of reviving the Great Silk Road gained many supporters, becoming a new model of international cooperation.

As a comprehensive strategic partner of China, Uzbekistan was among the first to support the Belt and Road Initiative. Uzbekistan’s strong commitment to further promoting its main goals and objectives was expressed.

The President of Uzbekistan emphasized that the Green Silk Road Initiative essentially forms the agenda of a common green future.

Uzbekistan fully supports this initiative, which the President of China Xi Jinping first put forward in Uzbekistan in 2016.

Noting the problematic environmental situation in the region, manifested in the form of abnormal weather conditions, droughts, dust storms, land degradation and desertification, and loss of biodiversity, the President of Uzbekistan said that Central Asia is becoming one of the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

It was noted that Uzbekistan is implementing a large-scale program to create a Zone of Environmental Innovation and Technologies in the Aral Sea region within the framework of a special resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

In this context, the results of the Climate Ambition Summit, held at the initiative of the UN Secretary-General in September this year, were highly assessed.

To exchange views and join efforts in achieving the goals of green development in Central Asia, the Head of Uzbekistan put forward the initiative to hold the Samarkand International Climate Forum in 2024.

“We hope that this forum will become a practical step in creating the Samarkand Dialogue for the Future to find answers to global threats to sustainable development”, the President of Uzbekistan said.

Interest was noted in developing broad international cooperation within the framework of the Green Silk Road.

In this regard, the Leader of Uzbekistan shared his vision of further deepening the partnership with China and other participants of the Belt and Road.

As part of the integration of conceptual initiatives – the Green Agenda of Central Asia and the Green Silk Road, it was proposed to develop a full-scale Green Development Program, including measures and projects for green transformation and digitalization of economic sectors, the creation of sustainable infrastructure in the transport and energy sectors, the launch of green industrial capacity, poverty reduction, and the development of smart agriculture.

Another essential task towards building the Green Silk Road is the development of green production chains and innovations.

Readiness was expressed to create a Special Demonstration Technopark in the Aral Sea region with the involvement of leading Chinese companies and other foreign partners to promote industrial and socially significant programs based on the widespread introduction of green technologies.

The President of Uzbekistan proposed establishing a Green Finance Fund in Uzbekistan to develop a low-carbon economy and clean technologies and introduce high environmental standards in the region’s countries.

The Leader of Uzbekistan also called for reducing restrictions and barriers in mutual trade in green goods, especially agricultural products.

It was also proposed to intensify the dialogue on the transition to green energy and hold regular meetings of ministers of the Belt and Road Initiative countries.

The President of Uzbekistan put forward an initiative to create a scientific and information platform for transferring green knowledge and solutions based on the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea region.

Taking into account the growing shortage of qualified personnel in green development and ecology, the Leader of Uzbekistan advocated the development of a program for training specialists and the development of academic exchanges in green development and ecology based on the Central Asian University of Environmental Studies and Climate Change together with leading foreign universities and educational centers.

In addition, the President of Uzbekistan focused on issues of careful attitude towards natural resources and the environment.

It was proposed to launch a Global Program for the Development of Green Culture within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, which provides for holding ethno-ecological festivals, forums, presentations, and other events with the participation of famous public figures, science, business, and culture representatives.

Following his speech, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that the fruitful results of the forum will become an essential contribution to the common cause of building a green future for humanity.