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The President of Uzbekistan started his visit to Jizzakh region with a farm in Pakhtakor district

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The President of Uzbekistan started his visit to Jizzakh region with a farm in Pakhtakor district

Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Jizzakh region to get acquainted with the socio-economic development of the region, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

According to the press service of the President of Uzbekistan, the Head of state visited the farm “Pakhtakor Elite Urugchiligi” in Pakhtakor district. The area of the farm is 100 hectares. Cotton and grain are sown on 80 hectares, the rest has soybeans, garlic and alfalfa.

During a visit to Syrdarya region in October last year, the Head of state gave instructions on the efficient use of land along the perimeter of fields and the construction of field houses for the convenience of farmers and workers. The results of this work can be seen on this farm. Mulberries, grapes, gourds and legumes are planted along the edges of the field. A field house was built from light structures. Solar panels were installed on its roof.

The President visited this house and talked with the farmer’s family.

During a conversation with officials of the agricultural sector and leaders of cotton and textile clusters, instructions were given to increase productivity and ensure employment for the population.

“Why did we give away our wealth – the land – to clusters? To use it for the benefit of the people. From now on, clusters must comply with the reforms and implement the state policy to reduce unemployment in their region through the industrialization of agriculture, the opening of enterprises and support for home-based work”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

As is known, unemployed citizens in Uzbekistan are given land plots for farming. This measure is designed to provide jobs for more than 13 thousand young people in Jizzakh region.

“Aforetime it was impossible to allocate at least one hectare of land to people. And now we have allocated 200,000 hectares. Why? To make the land a source of income for people. Now the result depends on the coordinated work of both sides”, the President said.

Instructions were given to ensure the interest of farmers, the implementation of growth points of mahallas.
“Dunyo” IA