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The President of Uzbekistan: We strive to ensure that the results of our reforms in education, healthcare, and the economy are felt in the lives of each of our compatriots

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The President of Uzbekistan: We strive to ensure that the results of our reforms in education, healthcare, and the economy are felt in the lives of each of our compatriots

During the working visit to the United States, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met on September 18 with a group of compatriots living and working in the United States and scholarship holders of the “El-Yurt Umidi” Foundation studying at leading American universities, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

According to the press service of the Head of state, at the event, which took place in the form of an open and lively dialogue, the Head of state spoke about the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan and drew attention to the enormous potential of compatriots to contribute to the country’s modernization.

The comprehensive contribution of compatriots and diaspora organizations to the development of Uzbekistan-American cooperation, which has reached an unprecedented high level, was emphasized.

The Leader of Uzbekistan put forward several initiatives to strengthen ties with compatriots and support the activities of their public associations. In particular, extensive assistance is planned in organizing Uzbek language courses abroad and developing special tour packages for compatriots to visit the historical cities of Uzbekistan.

– We strive to ensure that the results of our reforms in education, healthcare, and the economy are felt in the lives of each of our compatriots. And we need to create all the conditions so that you, highly qualified specialists who received education abroad and experience working in large companies, can return and take part in building a new Uzbekistan with your potential, – the Head of state said. – It gives me great pleasure to see in every Uzbek person present here a strong sense of the Motherland and a sincere desire to contribute to its development. We look forward to seeing you in Uzbekistan.

The meeting participants noted that deep and large-scale reforms carried out by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will further improve the well-being of people and increase the authority of the country in the world community.

Compatriots working in large companies and studying at prestigious universities expressed their opinions and suggestions. Views were exchanged on a variety of issues in society and the economy.

Expressing sincere gratitude for the great attention shown to them, compatriots emphasized their readiness to make a worthy contribution to the development of Uzbekistan.
TASHKENT, September 19. /«Dunyo» IA/.