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The Ministry for the development of information technologies and communications, held a board meeting on the outcomes of the industry for the first quarter of 2015, the course of introduction and development of information and communication technologies, the definition of prospects and directions of further activities, according to the Ministry’s Information Service.
The work of the board attended by heads of departments and divisions of the Ministry, joint stock companies, enterprises and organizations of the sphere. Participation in the meeting of the territorial bodies of the Ministry, as well as regional business scope provided through video conferencing.
During the meeting it was noted that, within three months, the growth of services provided by enterprises sector amounted to 24,7%, including the growth of services provided to the population amounted to 24,7%, and the growth of services in the field of software amounted to 16,8%.
For the quarter the overall rate of use of international information networks has increased by 17 percent compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to 19 250 Mbit/s. Tariff for operators and service providers on the Internet, connected to the International Center for packet switching, reduced by 10% compared to the beginning of the year to 233,27 dollars per Mbit/sec.
It laid more than two thousand four hundred kilometers of fiber-optic lines for broadband access to modern technologies to provide services to Internet TV, video telephony, high-speed Internet and broadcast HDTV-channels.
The number of domains in the zone «UZ» is more than 20,4 thousand units. It has been instructed to expedite the work on the adoption of measures to determine the accelerated development of the national information resources.
Good rates the single portal of interactive government services, through which citizens and businessmen rendered a total of more than 171,6 thousand e-services. To date, the website provides 235 kinds of interactive services.
19 550 business entities registered in electronic form through a single portal. Through a system of LAES (legislative acts evaluation system) business entities taking part in the discussion of development projects and the adoption of legal acts in the field of entrepreneurship. Until today, from businessmen to get hundreds of comments and suggestions on more than 80 projects of normative legal acts and measures in the field of entrepreneurship.
The amount used this service to fill the foreign trade contracts through a single electronic system of foreign trade operations of business entities amounted to more than 82 thousand.
In March this year, it was developed and launched in test mode, open data portal, which aims to provide information about the activities of state bodies in a format suitable for further processing and analysis. Subsequently, it will serve as a "single point" access to public data.
It is fully justified and is actively developing a system of interdepartmental secure e-mail E-XAT. From the beginning, the state bodies directed through more than 146 thousand. Letters. Number of users of electronic digital signature keys reached 1,2 million units. (An increase over the last year’s same period more than 2 times).
Through the websites of state bodies 1088 kinds of interactive and information services provided, allowing direct appeal or request for obtaining various certificates and documents.
Today, registered 306 state information resources and information systems of 378 government agencies, which are used for the automation of the organizations themselves, and for the provision of electronic services to the population and business entities.
In the domestic catalog software developers posted information on 1795 domestic software products.
At a meeting of the heads of fellow organizations in the sphere given appropriate instructions to further develop modalities for a youth employment, graduates of professional colleges, improve their economic activity and opportunities for self-realization, and was instructed to take measures to increase research capacity, as the faculty of TUIT and its branches, and the industry as a whole.
The meeting discussed issues of executive discipline, the progress of the targets set out in the framework of the state programs, management decisions, and the Government of the Republic by relevant enterprises and organizations of the sphere.
The state of progress of implementation of broadband access to modern technology. In this context, we were tasked to take measures aimed at increasing both the number of ports of broadband access and the number of subscribers using converged services such as video telephony, Internet TV, high speed Internet, HDTV-view channels, and others.
Particular attention is given to the priorities of the upcoming 2015, arising from the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the socio-economic development in 2014 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2015. At the meeting other objectives for 2015 also identified.
IA "Jahon"