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At the National Press Center of Uzbekistan a press conference on the role of the banking system in providing employment and creating new jobs was held, according to the National Information Agency UzA.
It was noted that the process is carried out under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, successive reforms of the banking system through the creation of a favorable business environment for small business development and providing greater freedom of entrepreneurship focuses on employment of the population, in particular young people.
The volume of loans issued to small and private businesses of commercial banks in the first quarter of 2015 grew by 31 percent compared to the same period last year and amounted to 2,8 trillion soums. This created favorable conditions for food security, the development of the service sector and service in rural areas, establishing business college graduates.
As a result of ongoing reforms in the banking system there is a growing confidence in the commercial banks. This is confirmed by surveys conducted by the Centre for Public Opinion Research "Ijtimoiy Fikr". According to him, the introduction of the principle of "bank account" contributes to the further strengthening of the role of financial institutions in the prosperity of our country and improving the welfare of the population.
The conference emphasized that as a result of specific targeted programs to create in Uzbekistan an additional 250 thousand new jobs, developed by the Central Bank, commercial banks, Public Youth Movement "Kamolot", the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in 2014 created more than 252 thousands of new jobs.
In order to finance the banking institutions of business projects of graduates of professional colleges, development of family businesses, supporting women’s entrepreneurship will be allocated 1 trillion 450 billion soums of credit.
At the press conference the journalists’ got answers to their questions.