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Uzbekistan has provided opportunities for social activity of youth. A legislative framework that provides protection for the rights and interests of the younger generation whose education is based on national and universal values.
These and other issues were discussed at the last meeting in the capital of the Central Council of "Kamolot", dedicated to the first half. The event reviewed the implementation of the State program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation", as well as the Program of additional measures aimed at realization of the state youth policy in 2015.
Speakers noted that "Kamolot" has in its ranks 14887 primary organizations of more than four million young people aged 15 to 30 years. The current social movement at children’s organization "Kamalak" includes more than two million children under the age of 10 to 14 years.
— During the reporting period there have been over twenty thousand events, which were attended by more than seven million of the younger generation - says the first deputy chairman of the Central Council of "Kamolot" Feruza Mukhamedjanova. - They are aimed at increasing social activity, spirituality, youth, development of entrepreneurship among young people, identifying gifted wide promotion of healthy lifestyles. The program was accompanied by the implementation of projects of additional measures aimed at implementing in Uzbekistan state youth policy in 2015.
Perhaps the most ambitious event was timed to the 24th anniversary of independence of the country’s youth festival "We - the children of a great country", which included 14 projects. Within its framework, in regions and cities organized about 850 outreach activities, which were attended by up to 700 thousand boys and girls.
At the event it was noted that over the past period in order to facilitate young people in creating their own business held a contest "My business idea", among the 155 thousand graduates of educational institutions. In addition, within the framework of organized together with partners job fairs over 18 thousand young men and women were invited to work. Youth labor movement "Bunyodkor 2015" this year was attended by over 17 thousand people.
They also talked about the organization of the Student Festival, which was held in the framework of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the education of harmoniously developed young generation, a "round table" on the theme "The role of youth in the development domain "UZ", worked as a discussion club "Munozara". It was noted that in the 2014/2015 academic year, each of the more than 11 thousand students allocated 35% of the total payment of study on a contract basis for one academic course.
At the meeting it was stressed that a number of activities were held and children’s organizations "Kamalak". For example, in the framework of "Summer with "Kamalak" cultural and educational meetings were held in 795 daily health camps.
During the meeting, representatives of the regional councils, discussed a number of organizational issues.