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The Uzbek Agency for Automobile and River Transport hosted a press conference on the activities of agencies for the first quarter 2015.
At the event, its noted that in the years of independence under the leadership of President Islam Karimov in our country has created all necessary conditions for the formation of market relations and a healthy competitive environment in the market of transportation services. There is an ongoing development of passenger and freight traffic.
This contributes regularly updated fleet of transport enterprises. In the first quarter of this year, motor transport enterprises based on leasing acquired 98 domestic buses "Isuzu", 99 trucks, 43 new minivan and 184 passenger cars.
According to the agency, in the first quarter of this year, together with the Department of Road Safety Ministry of the Interior and the State Tax Committee of Uzbekistan were carried out raids on the subjects involved in illegal activities in the sphere of transport. During the reporting period in 1130 joint raids were conducted. All collected materials are transferred to the appropriate authorities for action.
It was noted that most of the Agency’s work is carried out under the State program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation". On the basis of the approved plan material and moral support of labor veterans, lonely elderly people and low-income families is carried out. In particular, in connection with the celebration of the national holiday Navruz organized meetings with veterans of the trucking industry in the course of which was provided moral and material support.
In addition, systematic work carried out to improve the skills of managers, specialists of small businesses and private entrepreneurs, providing them with consultative help.
IA "Jahon"