The turnover of securities market in the first quarter made 257.4 billion soums

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According to the Republican stock exchange (RSE) “Toshkent" and the Central Depository for securities, the aggregate turnover of the market of shares and corporate bonds of Uzbekistan in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to 257.4 billion soums, which exceeds the same period of 2014 by 200.7 billion soums.
Hereby the volume of transactions in the secondary market amounted to 117.9 billion soums or 45.8% of the total volume of trading on the securities market, reports IA UzReport.
The volume of registered share transactions on the trading floors of the RSE and JSC "Elsis-Savdo" amounted to 54.97 billion soums, including:
the primary market 9.1 billion soums;
on the secondary market – 45.89 billion soums.
Overall, the volume of transactions concluded on the organized market exceeds the indicator of the I quarter of last year by 4.2 times (42.07 billion soums), due to the transition to electronic conclusion and processing of transactions, reduction of tariffs on exchanges and the Central depository, as well as improving the mechanism of pricing (quotation) and disclosure.
It is expected that the government reforms aimed at reduction of the state share in enterprises of the real sector will serve as a significant impetus to boost the stock market and will allow attracting in the economy of the Republic the necessary investments.
IA "Jahon"