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The Public Fund for the Support and Development of Independent Print Mass Media and Information Agencies of Uzbekistan has held a panel discussion in Tashkent to address issues related to bolstering the professional mastery of the personnel of information services of public and social organizations, as well as the outcomes of the training seminar aimed at the consolidation of their mutual cooperation with mass media.
Speaking at the forum, the Fund director Abdulaziz Abdullaev and others noted that a special significance is being attached under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to ensuring the freedom of speech and obtaining information by citizens and the information security.
Built on the Concept of the Intensification of Democratic Reforms and Formation of Civil Society in the Country, the normative foundations pertinent to the activities of mass media are being improved and perfected. That, in turn, serves as a robust legal basis for obtaining and reprocessing information and delivering it to the wider public, as well as for the protection of the professional activity of journalists.
The seminar was attended by representatives of information services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the territorial offices of the State Committee on Geology and Mineral Resources, as well as the joint-stock company Maxam-Chirchik.
Participants were introduced to the information on the works undertaken in accordance with the Law “On the transparency of public authorities and administration bodies” and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to develop public relations of government institutions and economic management bodies” signed 22 September 2006 to ensure transparency of the activities of public authorities and management bodies, regular informing the wider public and the population on the progress of economic and social reforms. The specialists of the sphere pushed forward recommendations on the timely and complete information the public and consolidation of cooperation with the media in this process.
“During the training sessions we have learned even deeper the essence and significance of documents needed when working with mass media,” said Ikrom Kurbonaliev, head of press service at the joint-stock company Maxam-Chirchik. “We have enriched our knowledge in how to maintain the website of the enterprise, arrange and organize interviews during press conferences and supply the audience with authentic data.”
It was noted that such seminars organized for exchanging experience and obtaining new knowledge and skills constitute an effective means for supporting the government bodies and management institutions.