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The Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held a conference on topical issues of learning and teaching modern history of Uzbekistan.
Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis S.Atamuradov, chairman of the Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Sport A.Shadmanov, vice president of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan B.Abduhalimov and others noted that under the leadership of President Islam Karimov has been consistent in objective study the history of our country, raising self-consciousness of people, building a prosperous society.
In 2015, it will be widely marked the 24th anniversary of the independence of our country. Over the years, it carried out a huge work on the comprehensive development of our motherland, Uzbekistan joining the ranks of developed democracies, improving the living standards of our people.
A thorough study of the history, wide coverage and to bring to today’s and future generations passed during this time the complex and thorny way contribute to the education of youth in the spirit of love for the motherland and devotion to the ideas of independence, respect for national values.
The educational institutions are deeply studied the recent history of our country. Develop an appropriate state educational standards, published textbooks, programs and benefits. Particular attention is paid to improving the qualifications and skills of teachers, introduction to the process of innovative techniques and scientific achievements.
Resolution of the President "On creation of the Public Council on the recent history of Uzbekistan under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated January 27, 2012 serves as an important guideline for further expansion of scientific research, improving research projects to study the history of independence, wide attraction to the research of talented young scientists.
In order to timely perform certain tasks in the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized the Public Council on the recent history of Uzbekistan. Create a coordinating and methodical center on the recent history of Uzbekistan.
At the conference an exchange of views on further perfection of teaching recent history, a new generation used in this area of state educational standards, textbooks, manuals, optimization of teaching hours allocated to the subject of the history of Uzbekistan, the potential widespread use of literature, art and national journalism in bringing to Youth of the facts and events of the period of independence was held.