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The Headquarters of the United Nations in New York circulated the information material on the priority attention paid to protecting the interests of children’s rights in our country, as an official document of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in six official languages.
The document says that fr om the first years of independence, the issues of children’s rights, health, quality education for children became a priority direction of state policy in Uzbekistan. "The country has created the legal framework of the national education system aimed at radically reforming the sphere, formation and development of the training system at the level of developed countries".
Along with this, the article highlights that in 1994 Uzbekistan ratified the Convention "On the rights of the child", which is one of the first officially accepted international instruments. The country adopted the Law "On guarantees of the rights of the child". All regulations pertaining to the child’s interests, issues of children’s rights are set at the level of international standards. The national model "Healthy mother - healthy child" has allowed to provide special care for women and children. As part of its implementation of the State program to further strengthen reproductive health, maternal health, child and adolescent in Uzbekistan for the period of 2014-2018, the publication says.
In addition, information material also states that in-depth medical examination of 6.5 million pupils of preschool and school children, professional colleges and high schools carried out in 2014 to identify disease and successful struggle with them at an early stage. Uzbekistan also holds free vaccination of all children aged up to two years, which made it possible to completely eliminate such diseases as diphtheria, poliomyelitis and tetanus.
"Today, 92 percent of children in Uzbekistan correspond to World Health Organization standardson the development parameters. In the compilation of an international organization Save the Children ranking of countries wh ere it is best conditions to take care of health of younger generation, Uzbekistan deservedly took the 9th place among 161 states", according to the document.
It is also noted that the country has paid close attention to quality education for the younger generation. In particular, about 60 percent of the total annual budget is directed to the support of the social sphere, half of them falls on the share of education.
The article also stresses that on the basis of the adopted laws of the Republic "On Education" and "On the National training program" in the country introduced a unified system of continuous education. In Uzbekistan, general secondary education and secondary specialized vocational education with duration of 12 years - is compulsory and free.
Along with this, it is reported that in Uzbekistan, introduced a system of further education, which includes music and sport schools, art schools, centers "Barkamol avlod", sectional circles in different directions. They provide meaningful and useful leisure time for children.
"During the period of independent development in Uzbekistan built and upgraded about 9.5 thousand schools, 1.5 thousand schools and colleges, which are also equipped with all necessary modern equipment and textbooks. According to the survey the level of human capital development, conducted in 2012 by the World Intellectual Property Organization and one of the leading international business schools "INSEAD", Uzbekistan took the 5th place in the world in terms of development of the education system", - the document informs.
It also reported that in 2008 Uzbekistan ratified the Convention 182 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and in 2009 ILO Convention 138 on the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, which are being successfully implemented in practice.
The ongoing systematic work in this direction provides prevention of child labor. In order to enhance these activities, under the leadership of the Trade Union Federation of Uzbekistan the Coordination Council on Child Labour. It is a public body and is formed on a permanent basis from representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, trade unions, employers’ associations and other civil society institutions, according to the material.
IA "Jahon", New York