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Information on the international conference "The role of trade unions in ensuring citizens’ rights to decent working conditions: the experience of Uzbekistan" held in Tashkent on 22-23 April this year, and its outcome was distributed in the United Nations Headquarters in New York, among the 193 member countries.
The community of nations has received detailed information about the basic rights of workers enshrined in the Constitution and laws of our country, fully derived from international standards in this area, special privileges and guarantees to ensure the employment of youth and women, the creation of decent working conditions for employees, providing additional leave for women child care, various surcharges associated with motherhood, and other measures taken in Uzbekistan social support.
The article also states that implemented in Uzbekistan under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, a strong social policy is an important factor in the creation of decent working conditions for citizens and the development of social protection systems, provide the results measures taken by the trade unions for the protection of the socio-economic interests and labor rights workers and their families.
"The country has a general agreement between the Government of Uzbekistan, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce on socio-economic issues in the years 2014-2016. The document provides for the implementation of measures to ensure the creation of decent working conditions for different categories of workers. On the basis of the Agreement in the country operate 90 branch and 14 regional agreements, directly to enterprises, organizations and institutions - more than 100 thousand collective agreements. All collective bargaining acts specified items such as the promotion of formal employment, decent wages, security and safety, legal and social protection of workers, benefits for women and young people, respect for ILO Conventions and other", - the document reports.
It is also noted that the conference representatives of international organizations, foreign trade union centers and international experts praised the experience of Uzbekistan to guarantee citizens’ rights to decent working conditions. In particular, it was emphasized that the country achieved high results in the expansion of employment opportunities and income generation, improvement of social protection and strengthening social dialogue.
In particular, the fundamental rights of workers enshrined in the Constitution and laws of the republic, fully consistent with international labor standards, and in many areas even surpass them, noted participants in the forum. In particular, there are specific benefits and guarantees in providing employment, creating the necessary conditions for workers.
"In recent years, about 60% of the cost of the State budget are directed to social sphere, - reported in the material. - To carry out large-scale measures to improve the level and quality of life, provide workers decent pay and safe working conditions. Much has been done in such areas as the improvement of labor law and pension system, labor market regulation".
The following provides information about programs in our country, the measures to establish social security system trudyaschihsya.Soobschaetsya that the country’s state social insurance applies to all employees. Includes cash payments or services for sickness, maternity and old-age pension, disability and survivor benefits. Measures are being taken to stimulate the demand for labor, the creation of stable jobs.
Effectively develop small business, farming, domestic work, handicraft, services and service driven livestock production in private farms, the establishment of agricultural companies in rural areas. This eliminates all barriers to the development of private enterprise, reduced government presence in the economy and other areas. All this contributes to an increase in the scope of employment, there is no sharp stratification of the population by income level.
The opinions of the conference participants were cited about that constructive social dialogue between the government, unions and employers serves to strengthen social protection of workers. "The country has accumulated rich experience in the implementation of public control in the sphere of labor, trade unions are given broad powers to ensure that the rights of workers to decent working conditions", - the document informs.
As reported by the document, Uzbekistan besides international conferences are regularly held "round tables", seminars, briefings on the social protection of the population and the introduction of legislation in the country’s standards to ensure decent work. They are representatives of international organizations and trade union activists from foreign countries to exchange views and experiences in this area.
Thus, today the experience and success of our country in the field of labor rights are recognized and widely studied by the international community. International Conference "The role of trade unions in ensuring citizens’ rights to decent working conditions: the experience of Uzbekistan", information about which is common among UN member states, has become a kind of presentation of the achievements of our country in this sphere.
IA "Jahon", New York