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Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy: Key Development Prospects

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Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy: Key Development Prospects

Tashkent hosted the International Conference “Designing the Future: Key Development Prospects as part of the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy”.

The event was organized by the Center for Progressive Reforms in partnership with the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies, the New Uzbekistan University, the Europe-Uzbekistan Association for Economic Cooperation with the assistance of the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The conference was attended by representatives of a wide range of national and international organizations, structures, and institutions, including experts, managers, and executives who implement and coordinate priority programs and projects within the framework of the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy.

The document sets ambitious goals for the country, which require consolidating intellectual resources in society, implementing industry and sectoral plans and programs, and cooperating with the international community. In this regard, the systemic exchange of information and project ideas between various expert platforms and the dialogue between experts and the government is essential.

During the discussions, it was noted that at the center of the transformations taking place in Uzbekistan is the person, his rights, and legitimate interests. Investments in human capital, knowledge and innovation, and the transition to a green economy are considered among the priorities for economic development as a condition for increasing its competitiveness, as well as the sustainable development of the country.