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The Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development (UJC) recently celebrated its 14th anniversary.
Co-director of the center fr om the Japanese side Yukio Ishida gave an interview to the Information Agency "Jahon", dedicated to the work of the center.
Mr. Ishida today activities of the Uzbek-Japanese Center are widely known in our country. Please tell us how it all began?
— UJC was founded in August 2001 as an NGO. It’s founders are the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the one hand, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), on the other.
The main goal of our work - training for business development in Uzbekistan, the deepening of mutual understanding and the development of friendly relations between the two countries by familiarizing citizens of the republic with the culture of Japan.
In what areas activities of UJC are presented?
— The scope of the Uzbekistan-Japan Center includes 4 main areas. It - conducting business courses, teaching Japanese language, computer literacy classes for the deaf and hearing impaired people, as well as cultural and information exchange.
While organizing business courses our Center’s main task was contribution to the development and training of personnel to work in a market economy. As part of the course we will help students master the knowledge and skills of business, including the experience of Japan, with reference to local conditions.
Training Programs business courses vary depending on the target audience. In particular, the Professional Management Program (PMP) is a six-month course for entrepreneurs and managers. It consists of the practice of business planning and management intensive course like MBA. To date, 1300 people completed successfully these courses.
In order to inform the public of Uzbekistan with the Japanese culture classes are held calligraphy, origami, open lectures, films, classes ikebana, tea ceremony. At the same time, organized a program of learning to play at the national Uzbek instrument - "dutar".
The uniqueness of our center is that we organize computer courses for deaf and hearing impaired. They had more than 900 people, among them there are those who have risen to the level of teachers.
How do you assess the intellectual potential of the Uzbek youth? How is it different from their peers in other countries?
— Uzbek youth characterized by positive qualities such as dedication, initiative and the pursuit of new knowledge. It showcases their talent and potential on the international subject Olympiads, competitions, contests, reaching high goals, and a major factor in this are attention paid by the state and created conditions.
Young people make up the bulk of our listeners. These young men and women are quickly absorbing new knowledge and applying them in practice. I am sure that having such a developed young generation, Uzbekistan to reach much.
Are there any UJC joint projects with ministries and departments of Uzbekistan?
— Yes, there are. In particular, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of the country, we organize business courses in different regions of the country. In addition, established contacts with the Uzbek State World Languages University and Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. We hold joint seminars for teachers of the Japanese language.
What do you know about Uzbekistan for the period of work in the country? What impressed you most?
— To work as co-director of UJC from January 2014. Since that time, I fell in love with this wonderful country. The hospitality of the Uzbek people, here I feel at home. Like and Uzbek cuisine, especially pilaf and laghman.
I was impressed that your people carefully and kind to its history and traditions, maintaining and trying to bring them to the next generations. One of the unique features of Uzbekistan is the fact that representatives of more than 130 nationalities living in the republic, while retaining their identity, living as one nation, as one family.
Your wishes to the people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the state independence?
— I would like to congratulate all the citizens of the republic on the landmark date! Uzbekistan - is a beautiful place wh ere there is peace and tranquility, and it is home to a very friendly people. I wish your country further success!
Information Agency Jahon