Uzbekistan improves tourism infrastructure

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Target lists for construction and reconstruction of sanitary units (WC) under standard projects have been approved in Uzbekistan, reports press service of "Uzbektourism".
For example, sanitary facilities will be built on the territory of 125 gas filling stations, adjacent to 27 cultural heritage sites and entertainment facilities.
From September 1, 2016, gas stations which lack the standardized sanitary units available 24 hours a day will not be allowed to operate.
In this regard, ‘Uzbektourism’ and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Architecture and Construction were charged with developing a model project of modern sanitary facilities in accordance with the town planning regulations within a month.
In addition, sanitary facilities will be built on a standard project around 27 cultural heritage sites and entertainment facilities, such as the Afrosiyob Museum in Samarkand, Buhara Emir’s Ark Palace, the Samanid Park, the Chor Bakr ensemble in Bukhara, Norbutabi Madrassah in Kokand, Abulkasim Madrassah in Tashkent, the Sultan Saodat complex, the National History Museum and Alpomish Park in Termez among others.
IA "Jahon"