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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
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Under the auspices of the UN sociologists of Columbia University released a third report World Happiness Report, in which compared 158 countries on a range of indicators, according to Information Agency Uzbekistan Today.
Of the former Soviet republics Uzbekistan is the most happiest state, which took 44th place with 6,003 points.
Our country by the index of happiness is ahead of Japan (46) and South Korea (47). Moldova on 52 place, Kazakhstan - 54, Lithuania - 56, Belarus - 59. Russia is on 64th place.
Most happiest country, according to an index is Switzerland, scored 7,587 points. Israel is the happiest country of the Asian continent, gaining 7,278 points and took 11th place in the world rankings.
Evaluation of each country exhibited for GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, as well as indicators of social support (if there is a person on whom to count in trouble), life expectancy at birth (World Health Organization data), the level of personal freedom, generosity and philanthropy, perceptions of corruption, the reasons for joy and anxiety in the days preceding the survey. The index is based on data for the years 2012-2014.
IA "Jahon"