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As previously reported, on June 6, 2015 in the city of Rome 39th Session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UNO has begun its work, which is attended by 12 Heads of State and Government, over 130 ministers, as well as representatives of other Member States .

At the beginning of the 8th of June this year the general debate in the Conference, our delegation was among the first to have the opportunity to bring to the international community’s vision of solving problems regarding the nutrition and food security in the world, as well as on measures taken in Uzbekistan, broad measures to radically improve the structure of agriculture.
In particular, it was noted that according to international experts’ estimates food security has become a serious problem in many regions of the world. In Uzbekistan, food security - a task of paramount importance, the solution of which is carried out under the direct supervision of complex President Islam Karimov.
The participants also got acquainted with the main objectives of the International Conference "On the most important reserves in the implementation of the food program in the Republic of Uzbekistan", which was directly attended by FAO Director-General J.G. Da Silva.
Along with this, the conference participants were given information on the implementation in Uzbekistan in a short period of independent development of fundamental reforms that will almost completely to diversify agriculture and provide the population with basic food crops, establish large volumes of their exports. It is noted that nearly 20 years of our country’s agriculture demonstrated steady positive growth. Large-scale transformation and qualitative changes in agriculture will greatly increase production.
The award received by Uzbekistan on June 7, 2015 during a special award ceremony for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the outstanding progress towards eradicating hunger, once again confirmed the correctness of the Uzbek government implemented reforms carried out work in the agricultural sector, which allowed to achieve not only high quality but also very tangible quantitative results.
Today, the country annually produces about 20 million. Tons of fruits and vegetables, provided by per capita production of about 300 kg of vegetables, 75 kg of potatoes and 44 kg of grapes, about 3 times higher than the optimal consumption rates. By improving the structure and diet, along with other factors, in the years of independence, the average life expectancy increased fr om 66 years to 73.5 years. By the end of 90-s Uzbekistan which imported in 1991 over 80% of consumption of wheat, reached full independence and self-sufficiency in most food.
It was stressed that the system of measures to reform agriculture in our country focuses on radical improvement of ameliorative condition of irrigated lands. As a result of the measures provided amelioration of 1.7 million hectares of irrigated land.
It was noted that the full potential of this industry, you must:
Firstly, the use of advanced achievements in order to ensure an increase in yields in horticulture: potatoes by 2.3 times, 3.5 times grapes, vegetables by 2.8 times, fruits by 4.5 times.
Secondly, Uzbekistan has sufficient reserves for the expansion of the areas of food crops in the protected ground, wh ere you can receive up to three harvests a year.
Thirdly, with its unique natural and climatic conditions favorable for growing fruit and vegetables in the future of Uzbekistan may be one of the largest producers and exporters of high quality and competitive fruit and vegetable products in the world.
An important role is played by the introduction of modern agricultural technologies, development of modern water-saving technologies, including drip irrigation, as well as development of greenhouse agriculture. The next factor - is the introduction of science and technology innovation. Uzbekistan has sufficient scientific potential for the integrated development of the industry. The republic issues horticulture and viticulture takes more than 10 scientific institutions.
Summing up, it was emphasized that urgent today exceptional importance of the problem of food security, of course, require even greater coordination and collaboration, large-scale international cooperation, joint approaches and assessments in the future.