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Strengthening of bank capital plays a major role in the implementation of decisions of the state to finance the real economy and small businesses. Thanks to the taken measures, constant and stable growth of all main indicators is assured, characterizing the dynamic development of the bank.
For example, the Bank "Uzpromstroybank" demonstrates a successful business. In the sphere of absolute priorities JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" is the financial support of the real sector, as well as small businesses. So, its credit investments have increased significantly in the current year and were aimed at financial rehabilitation, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises. As of July 1, 2015 credit investments totaled 6,517 billion soums, which is 1,053 billion soums or 19% more than in the corresponding period last year.
Almost all of the credit funds were directed to the real sector of the economy. During the first half of this year, to finance projects of small business and job creation it has been allocated 435 billion soums of loans, which is 1.3 times more than in the corresponding period of last year. In particular, microcredits allocated for entrepreneurs accounted for 44 billion soums.
At the same time, financial support for small business credit funds have been allocated:
— to development of women - entrepreneurs - 33 billion soums;
— to development of the service - 40 billion soums;
— to college graduates - 8.5 billion soums.
Similarly, the loans have been allocated for the development of food production - 75 billion soums, the expansion of non-food products - 104 billion soums, according to "Uzpromstroybank".
IA "Jahon"