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Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society (IIMFCS) in collaboration with the regional offices of the Charitable Public Fund "Mahalla" in all regions of the republic on the basis of training courses to improve the skills of employees of self-government bodies (SGB), held a series of seminar-trainings on the theme: "Modern technologies on work with population, especially young people".

The goal - improving the skills of staff on the use of modern technologies in work with the population, especially young people, to increase their legal knowledge to a competent consideration of physical and juridical persons, to inform participants about the methods and means of spiritual and educational work in the citizens’ gatherings.
Over 600 people attended the event.

As part of the training covered the topics such as: "The organization of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities", "Modern methods and means of effective organization of spiritual and educational work in the assemblies of citizens", "Spiritual, educational activities and methods of their implementation to work with youth in the framework of the mechanism of "Family-Mahalla-educational institution".

At the same time, participants were explained forming direction and public opinion, including the "brainstorming", "mill", "press-battle", the ideological journey, case studies, press conferences, debates and others, as well as the basics of PR-technologies.

To carry out the tasks to build the system and public opinion research organizers of the event have been proposed the following methods of outreach:

— Organizing and conducting interviews, meetings, cultural and educational activities among the population;

— Media coverage of citizens’ assemblies and living standards;

— Cooperation with creative organizations that organize and conduct competitions, recitals, intelligent show;

— The creation of social and demographic map of families in the gathering of citizens living on the territory;

— Creation of an information bank on families living in the gathering of citizens;

— Organizing and conducting spiritual and educational activities;

— Cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations in addressing the difficult youth;

— Conducting individual interviews with troubled families;

— Exchange of experience consultants with their counterparts from other gatherings of citizens;

— Dissemination of experience model families;

— Distribution of brochures, booklets and manuals published by government and non-governmental organizations concerning the religious education and spiritual and moral education;

— Decent and popular of the content and the organizational side of folk festivals, national and religious holidays.

IA "Jahon"