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Tashkent hosted a seminar with the participation of international adviser in the legislation regulating the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) J.Kozakiewicz, as well as representatives of ministries and departments of Uzbekistan, experts of the UNDP project in Uzbekistan.
At the event it was noted that Uzbekistan is fulfilling its obligations, provided after the accession to the Montreal Protocol. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer - an international protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, developed in 1985 to protect it by withdrawing of certain chemicals fr om the production - hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).
This document is recognized as the most effective multilateral agreement on environmental protection. Due to the global phase-out of ozone-depleting gases in the domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes, the ozone layer is recovering, and is estimated to be restored completely by mid-century.
Uzbekistan is a party to the Montreal Protocol and is in compliance with it since 1993. Currently, the country derived from the circulation of 99.95% of ozone-depleting substances, which is ahead of the planned schedule of the protocol.
The country has launched a project that will help to completely withdraw from the consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2030.
To facilitate the implementation of the national strategy in this area runs a joint project of the State Committee of Uzbekistan, UNDP and the GEF (Global Environment Facility).
Note that hydrochlorofluorocarbons - a group of chemicals that have a negative impact on the ozone layer and destroy it. Today HCFCs are widely used in the refrigeration industry as solvents, aerosols and in the production of foam materials.
To achieve the reduction of HCFCs and permanently discontinue their use can be reduced by decreasing the demand for them. However, this process is not fast, taking into account the fact that the scope of their use is fairly extensive. Therefore, the objectives of the project include issues on regulation of the demand for HCFCs and organization of the system of control over their import, including the equipment in which they are used.
The full title of the project - "Initial implementation of accelerated reduction in the use of HCFCs in the region of the transition economies - of Uzbekistan". The period of its implementation for three years. During this time, to do a lot to work on reducing the need for substances that impair climate. Within the project, in particular, it is planned to put the equipment on the recovery and recycling of HCFCs.
In the course of the seminar the head of the Department for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Climate of Research Institute of Industrial Chemistry of Warsaw (Poland), Dr. Janusz Kozakiewicz in an interview to Information Agency "Jahon" noted the following:
I arrived in Uzbekistan as an international consultant for the UNDP project, which is aimed at eliminating ozone-depleting substances that are used in many industries, especially in the production of refrigerators, air conditioners, aerosols and other household equipment.
Uzbekistan has pledged to eliminate the use of HCFCs by 2020, and some of the substances by 2030. Of course this is a difficult task and a great challenge for any country. To achieve these objectives it is necessary to take special measures, which should include the establishment of quotas on imports of the forementioned substances. It is also important to ban the placing on the world market of equipment and products containing or using these ozone-depleting substances, as then they will create additional demand for HCFCs.
For example, it would be possible to implement additional measures in the form of special mandatory reporting for people who use these substances. In turn, this would contribute to the establishment of policies on the use of these substances. Specific measures such as the establishment of duties and taxes for manufacturers of products containing HCFCs. In the country there are many possibilities for avoiding a situation with excess of the lim it on the import of the substances set out in the protocol.
In this regard, it should be noted that attracting investment in this sector could also be productive.
In addition, the project envisages the training of the employees of industries and the customs sphere. It will contribute to the process of compliance with international requirements of the protocol.