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World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics

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World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics

April 12 the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Space (Space Probe Day) - a memorable date, dedicated to the first manned flight into space.

This is a special day - the Day of the triumph of science and all those who are working in the aerospace and aviation industries. The international status of this holiday was in 1968 at a conference of the International Aeronautical Federation in order to assess the importance of a decent day.

Since 2011, it has another name - the International Day of Human Space Flight (International Day of Human Space Flight). On April 7, 2011 at a special plenary session of the UN General Assembly adopted a formal resolution to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first step in space exploration. Co-authors of the resolution were more than 60 states.

Entered the 21st century, can be seen striking successes of space technology - revolve around the Earth tens of thousands of satellites, spacecraft landed on the moon, brought back soil samples. Later on Mars and Venus fell robotic probes, several spacecraft have left the solar system and carry the message of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Therefore, proclaiming this holiday - International Day of Human Space Flight, the UN General Assembly expressed its deep conviction "in the common interest of mankind in promoting the exploration and use of outer space, which is the province of all mankind, for peaceful purposes, in scaling up these activities and in continuing efforts according to all States the use of the associated benefits". And the holiday was recommended to celebrate at the international level each year on April 12 to commemorate the beginning of the space era for mankind, Reaffirming the important contribution of space science and technology in achieving sustainable development and well-being of nations and peoples, as well as in ensuring the realization of their aspirations to preserve outer space for peaceful purposes.

On the occasion of this date traditionally in different countries are all kinds of events - exhibitions, conferences, scientific-educational and educational lectures and workshops, film screenings and more.

However, in October annually World Space Week, dedicated to another significant event - October 4, 1957 into orbit was launched the world’s first artificial satellite.

In the area of ​​space exploration and space research contributes significantly to Uzbekistan.

In 1989 in the republic was established International Aerospace School for gifted teens, dubbed "Little star academy". Since 2000, it operates under the auspices of the International Youth Aerospace Foundation named after academician Shavkat Vahidov, who has made a significant contribution to the development of astronautics. The founders of the fund were scientists, engineers, pilots, astronauts and entrepreneurs.

For many years Sh.Vahidov led Tashkent Engineering Design Bureau (then - NGO "Koinot"), is an active member of four academies - the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the International Academy of Engineering, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky and the New York Academy of Sciences.

In order to ensure further development of astronomy and space research, the effective implementation of the results of research in priority areas of economic and social development of the country by the Presidential Decree of 26 September 2002 "On improving organization of the Space Research" was established the Space Research Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

So, in the country to develop the following areas that may be called the main directions of space activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan, bearing in mind that over time will need to prioritize them:

- Space research, including training on various aspects of space activities;
- Remote sensing of the Earth from space, including environmental monitoring and meteorology;
- The use of satellite navigation and surveying systems;
- The use of space technology, space materials and space technologies for the defense and security of the Republic;
- The use of space technology for communications and broadcasting;
- Observation of objects and phenomena in outer space, astronomy and astrophysics research;
- Other activities carried out with the help of space technology.

In the country also operates Research Institute, engaged in research in this area. It is Astronomical Institute named after Ulugbek under Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is composed of Kitab international latitudinal station and Maidanak alpine observatory. This Research Institute mainly engaged in the collection of observational data obtained in the above-mentioned research institutions.

An important achievement of Uzbek astronomers in studying celestial bodies in the past ten years has been going beyond our galaxy - the Milky Way. Outside of it there are billions of galaxies. In the study of quasars, discovered less than half a century ago, Uzbek astronomers were able to reach the notable success. Its already published a Maidanak catalog of quasars.

Kitab international latitudinal station is one of the five latitude stations in the world, that tracks changes in the Earth’s pole position. On its territory based astronomical observatory.

In recent years, fruitful collaboration between the Astronomical Institute and the University of Nice, when on mount Kumbel in the spur of the Tien Shan was installed telescope for observations of solar oscillations. This is a very rapidly developing field of astrophysics, which is why she devoted dozens of ground-based and space-based experiments, and Astronomical Institute is a recognized center helioseismological - the science that studies the internal structure of stars from observations of pulsations.

Today, our cooperation continues to Maidanak where joint researches unique astrophysical objects. An important achievement of this cooperation is the fact that over the years has trained more than ten PhDs. In addition, students of Uzbekistan take an active part in these studies.

In general, the country has created favorable conditions for the development of this science sector. Assessing the state of and prospects for Astronomical Research in Uzbekistan in 2009, the report on the visit to Uzbekistan, chairman of the commission of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), professor at the Kentberi University of New Zealand, John Hirnshau said:

"Uzbekistan has one of the best points in the world to observational astronomy. IAU should support the development of astronomy in this country in the optical and infrared through the promotion of astronomy in deepening cooperation with developed countries.

The country has astroclimatic conditions for observational astronomy, which are among the best in the world. At the same time Uzbekistan has a rich heritage in the field of astronomy and space exploration", - concluded J.Hirnshau.

Today, among other things, at the international level, our country cooperates with many countries to explore outer space. Evidence of this is the implementation of the joint with the Russian Federation Intergovernmental space program study the Earth and outer space for peaceful purposes. The aim of the program is the effective use of the further development of space capabilities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan and the introduction of space technologies in order to address the socio-economic, scientific and other problems, the strengthening of scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.

The program provides two directions of joint activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation in the field of study of the Earth and outer space.

In the first area scheduled joint work on the creation, operation and use of space infrastructure, located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The second area is made for the use of applied space research and implementation of space technologies in the national economy of Uzbekistan. The main objective of this direction - to promote sustainable economic growth through the use of advanced technologies, to expand the production, export and innovation potential of the country, to strengthen the integration with the international community.

In Uzbekistan, a number of scientists-astronomers involved in space research. Implemented numerous projects in the study of the cosmos, including "Search and observation of minor planets of the solar system, the study of their orbital and physical properties" under the leadership of O.Burhonov, "Observational studies of temporal variations transit eclipses as a method of discovering new exoplanets" under the leadership of E.Gaynullina, "The study of dynamic processes and magnetic fields in stellar atmospheres and methods of astrophysics helioseismological" under the leadership of A.Serebryanskiy, "Analysis of the observations of ring galaxies and development of the theory of origin" under the leadership of K.Mirtadjiev and many others.

At the same time, Uzbekistan pays great attention to the development of aviation. A striking example of a national approach to the development of domestic aviation was the establishment of the National Airline Company (NAC) "Uzbekistan Airways" (Uzbekistan Airways) on January 28, 1992 by the Decree of President Islam Karimov. To date, NAC "Uzbekistan Airways" is the main carrier of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Central Asia’s leading airline. It transports passengers to almost 60 directions on domestic flights and international routes - to the CIS countries, the Middle East, East and South Asia, North Africa, Europe and the United States.

All 11 airports in the country, belonging to the airlines, today have international status.

NAC has a modern fleet, which includes such aircraft as RJ85, IL-114-100, Airbus A-320, Boeing 757, Boeing 767. In addition, until 2016 in Uzbekistan will be delivered Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

During the past year liners with the symbols "Uzbekistan Airways" performed 24 437 flights. 2 million 322 thousand passengers and 48,2 thousand tons of cargo was carried. Only through the airport "Navoi", where, together with the world leader in air freight - airline "Korean Air" continues to create an intermodal logistics center sent 20,7 thousand tons of cargo.

Summarizing and summing all of the above, we can conclude that in the Republic of Uzbekistan held important space research of global importance, considerable attention is paid to the development of aviation and space exploration.

IA "Jahon"