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In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the capital, a festival dedicated to the August 12 - World Youth Day, according to Information Agency Uzbekistan Today.
It will bring together about 300 representatives of active, talented, creative, purposeful youth - winners of the State Prize Zulfiya, "Nihol", the winners of contests, competitions and sporting events, as well as activists of the major projects of the Public Youth Movement "Kamolot".
Presentation of creative works "My contribution to the development of the motherland" and exhibition "My declaration of love for the motherland" will be organized within the framework of large-scale events.
In addition, there will be TV online conversation of country’s youth, the presentation "Records of Uzbekistan youth". Inha University in Tashkent will host the workshop "ICT + foreign language = modern professional!".
At the end of the Festival will be published collection "We - the children’s independence", which will include the best poems and wishes of young poets. For the participants of the events will be held the night tour of Tashkent on double-decker with visiting Tashkent TV Tower.
The first action of the youth festival was launched at a press conference held at the Palace of Youth Creativity. The participants recorded a short video with the original declaration of love to Uzbekistan. The first records to be found in social networks under the hashtag #ILOVEUZBEKISTAN.
Information Agency "Jahon"