News and events

Selection of candidates for a scholarship funded by the German Bundestag
16.12.2024 | A conversation was held at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tashkent to select candidates for the International Parliamentary Scholarships program of the German Bundestag.
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Lawmaking in Uzbekistan is based on international experience and national practice
15.12.2024 | Currently, as our state’s development has entered a new stage, large-scale reforms are being implemented to modernize all spheres of public life and build a rule-of-law state. In this process, legislative activity is acquiring special relevance and becoming an (...)
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The Multidimensional Foreign Policy of New Uzbekistan
13.12.2024 | In today’s rapidly changing world, Uzbekistan confidently positions itself as one of the key players on the international stage. The country’s foreign policy, reinvigorated with the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President in 2016, demonstrates impressive results, (...)
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Fighting corruption is a priority direction of the state anti-corruption policy of New Uzbekistan
13.12.2024 | Member states are required by the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) to maintain “effective, coordinated anti-corruption policies” that establish objectives and a list of top priorities in order to fight corruption. Countries are also encouraged to (...)
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Uzbekistan, Algeria enhance collaboration
13.12.2024 | Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Algeria to Uzbekistan Mohamed Irki.
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Saida Mirziyoyeva meets with visually impaired children
13.12.2024 | As part of the Kungil Kuzi (Eye of the Soul) project, Assistant to the President of Uzbekistan Saida Mirziyoyeva spent a day with talented children from Samarkand with visual impairments.
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Funds of the population for housing construction will be guaranteed
13.12.2024 | President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation on the system of guaranteeing funds of the population for housing construction.
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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28