News and events

In Uzbekistan, the principles of justice and the rule of law have been elevated to the rank of necessary conditions for the country’s development
22.10.2024 | In the first years of our country’s independence, reforming the judicial system became one of the topical task. In this case, adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 8, 1992 became a solid legal basis for reforms in the system. (...)
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How Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries address food security issues
21.10.2024 | Today, each Central Asian country considers ensuring its own food security as one of the most pressing priorities. At the same time, these states face common challenges and threats that can negatively impact the food security of the entire region. Among such (...)
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18.10.2024 | In New Uzbekistan, comprehensive reforms are being carried out to establish a free and empowered civil society. From 2017 to 2024, 64 regulatory legal documents were adopted to directly support civil society institutions and enhance their effectiveness, (...)
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Uzbekistan offers a way out of the “deadlock” in the transport sector
18.10.2024 | Development of the regional transport system in Central Asia is among the top priorities for Uzbekistan The Central Asian region is located at the crossroads of two key trade routes: ’North-South’ and “East-West”, which enhances the attractiveness of the regional (...)
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Uzbekistan strives to become one of the world leaders in the production and export of agri-food products
18.10.2024 | Agriculture is one of the leading sectors of Uzbekistan’s economy. This sector accounts for more than 24% of the republic’s gross domestic product and employs about a quarter of the total workforce. Thus, sustainable development and modernization of agriculture is a (...)
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A new direction in medicine has been launched in Uzbekistan - the use of robotic surgeons
18.10.2024 | Uzbekistan is undergoing a significant modernization of its healthcare system to ensure comprehensive access to quality medical services for the population. Over the past seven years, funding for healthcare has increased from 5.9 trillion soums to 33.5 trillion (...)
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Uzbekistan creates platforms for the emergence of new public politicians
18.10.2024 | New election system in Uzbekistan: what is changing in legislation and social and political life?
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Perleberger Str. 62, 10559 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28