News and events

Constitution and principles of justice in new Uzbekistan
05.11.2024 | In the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rule of priority of human rights and freedoms, the fact that human life, freedom, honor and dignity are the highest value, the rights of citizens to be protected by the court, the principles of justice, the (...)
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The reforms in Uzbekistan reflect the desire for a more open and inclusive political system, which is the key to the country’s further development
30.10.2024 | Tashkent hosted a press conference of international observer missions representing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) structures at the October 27 elections.
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The election results are officially approved at the CEC meeting
28.10.2024 | On October 28, the Central Election Commission announced the preliminary election results. Based on this, today, October 29, the next meeting of the Central Election Commission was held.
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“Green” development of New Uzbekistan and the fight against climate change
25.10.2024 | As a country with unique natural resources and rich cultural heritage, Uzbekistan is increasingly aware of the need for active action in the fight against climate change. The country is taking a number of measures and initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable and (...)
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Uzbekistan will continue to work on the full realization of women’s leadership potential
24.10.2024 | The history of Uzbekistan has been rich in stories about the courage and knowledge, nobility and valor of local women, their high sense of honor and dignity as well as the important role they have played in governance. They include Tumaris, Saraimulkkhanum, (...)
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Uzbekistan introduced annual ratings of government agencies based on the openness index
24.10.2024 | Uzbekistan is undertaking deep reforms to democratize its public administration in an open manner with broad public participation. This policy stems from the state’s obligation to ensure the constitutional rights of Uzbek citizens to participate in the management of (...)
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Fulfilment of International Human Rights Obligations: the Experience of New Uzbekistan
23.10.2024 | In today’s world, marked by significant political and economic conflicts, ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life while upholding human dignity in the New Uzbekistan is a key priority of State policy. Uzbekistan is actively engaged in United Nations activities and (...)
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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28