News and events

Statement of the MFA Press Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan
14.04.2015 | The Republic of Uzbekistan supports the agreements on "Key Parameters for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the "Group of Six" international mediators on Iran’s nuclear program, made in Lausanne on April 2, (...)
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More than 6 thousand commemorative medals for war veterans
14.04.2015 | The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan approved measures on implementation of decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On awarding the commemorative medal "Ikkinchi jahon urushidagi galabaning 70 yilligi" to citizens of the Republic (...)
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Energy labeling of household appliances goes mandatory in Uzbekistan from 2016
14.04.2015 | The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers approved the measures for the implementation of a system of mandatory energy labeling and certification of marketed household appliances, newly constructed buildings and structures, reports IA (...)
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Factor of sustainable development
13.04.2015 | The Committee on the Protection of Nature in Tashkent hosted a conference dedicated to the protection of biological resources and their rational use.
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"Uzbekinvest" realizes a program for the further implementation of ICT
13.04.2015 | The implementation of modern information and communication technologies in various sectors is a necessary condition for the development of any country.
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Echoes of the Great Empire
13.04.2015 | University of Leiden (Netherlands) published an article "Amir Temur and Europe", dedicated to the birthday of the great military leader and statesman, an outstanding ancestor of the Uzbek people.
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14 Medical centers in Tashkent region get reconstructed
12.04.2015 | Construction works in medical centers get started the estimated cost of which is 36, 2 billion soums.
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Perleberger Str. 62, 10559 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28