News and events

Veterans of war awarded anniversary medals
21.04.2015 | We all bow to our veterans, participants of the Second World War, who selflessly on the battlefields without sparing the life and forces fought against fascism in the name of peace and tranquility of generations.
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Ukrainian Mixaylo Kalika wins the international bowling tournament "Tashkent Open"
21.04.2015 | The international tournament on bowling «Tashkent Open-2015" completed in Tashkent. During the six days for winning the tournament fought more than 80 professional athletes from around the world, reports IA (...)
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Priorities identified
21.04.2015 | A meeting of the bloc of democratic forces in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan dedicated to the tasks set out in the statement of our head of state Islam Karimov at the ceremony of inauguration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at (...)
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Paralympic athletes won medals in Beijing
21.04.2015 | Paralympic sportsmen of Uzbekistan became medals owners of Grand Prix on athletics in Beijing, according to the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan.
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"Uzbekistan on the Silk Road"
21.04.2015 | Under this title in Madrid held a presentation of tourist potential of Uzbekistan. The event was organized by the Embassy of our country in Spain, the Uzbek company Dolores Travel Services and local tour operator (...)
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Information message about the meeting of Senate’s Council of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan
20.04.2015 | On April 20, 2015 a meeting of the Council of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan.
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Respect for Veterans – our filial duty
20.04.2015 | Veteran of the Second World War, 99-year-old Odil-ota Fozilov lives in the Katta Oltintepa mahalla of Mirzo-Ulugbek district of the capital.
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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
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Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28