News and events

Futsal: "Ardus" became the winner of the Cup of Uzbekistan
24.04.2015 | The final match of the Futsal Cup of Uzbekistan, between the capital club "Ardus" and team "Almalyk" of Tashkent region took place on April 22, in the capital’s sports complex "Uzbekistan", reports IA UzReport.
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Asian Boxing Championship among juniors will be held in Tashkent
23.04.2015 | From June 7 to June 14 this year, the Asian Championship among juniors of Asian Boxing Confederation will be held in Tashkent. The decision was taken at the General Assembly of the Asian Boxing Confederation in (...)
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International English language day
23.04.2015 | For the first time the Day of the English language, as well as other days of the official languages of the United Nations celebrated in 2010. The purpose of the new holidays - to strengthen the tradition of multilingualism in the world. The UN has allocated six (...)
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Meeting in Tashkent vocational training center
23.04.2015 | The group of experts from the Republic of Korea, which gets acquainted with the implemented projects in our country through the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), visited the metropolitan Vocational Training Center of the Ministry of Labour and Social (...)
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"Social protection of women - one of the priorities of the trade union movement of Uzbekistan"
23.04.2015 | So was the title of an article published on the electronic portal of China Radio International.
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National library of Uzbekistan hosts the international conference Central Asia-2015
23.04.2015 | The 9th International Conference Central Asia - 2015 "Information-library resources in science, education, culture and business" has started in the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. It is attended by heads of national libraries of foreign (...)
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Results of the II Uzbekistan championship on ballroom dancing
23.04.2015 | In Tashkent ended II championship ballroom dancing, according to Information Agency Uzbekistan Today.
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