News and events

Pakistani press about Khiva
02.04.2015 | The public interest of Pakistan’s community for the culture, historical heritage and modern development of our country is increasing.
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The Legislative chamber held meetings with international observers
02.04.2015 | The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the Director of the Institute of CIS and Eastern Europe, President of the international centre for the study of electoral systems Alexander Tsinker (Israel) and a member of (...)
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On participation of Uzbek delegation in forthcoming meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers
01.04.2015 |
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Ministry of Economy: 232 thousand jobs to be created in the regions of Uzbekistan in 2015
01.04.2015 | The role of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in securing employment in the country has been the focus of a press conference that took place in the capital.
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Tashkent to host the Uzbek-Korean cooperation exchange
01.04.2015 | A cooperation exchange with the participation of Korean entrepreneurs will be held on April 2, in the conference hall of the hotel "RamadaTashkent", reports IA UzReport.
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About Uzbek-American seminar in Washington
30.03.2015 | At the Institute for Study of Central Asia and Caucasus at the J.Hopkins University in Washington (USA) held an international seminar on "Current issues on improvement of the efficiency of judicial administration of (...)
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