News and events

Exhibition of retro-cars
27.03.2015 | At the III International Uzbek tourism exhibition "World Vacation 2015" it was demonstrated more than 20 retro-cars, reports the press service of the National Association of Electronic Mass Media Republic of (...)
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Meeting at the Legislative Chamber
27.03.2015 | At the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting with Convenоr of Foreign Cell of Bharatya Janata Party Vijay Jolly (India), who arrived in our country to observe the preparation and conduction of elections of the President of (...)
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Demonstration of Modern Technologies
27.03.2015 | In Tashkent, the XV international exhibition of equipment for food and processing industry WorldFood Uzbekistan – 2015 and the X international exhibition of agricultural technologies AgroWorld Uzbekistan – 2015 opened at (...)
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A new stadium with a capacity of 20 000 spectators commissioned in Fergana
26.03.2015 | According to the press service of the Football Federation of Uzbekistan, the new stadium "Istiqlol" with a capacity of 20,000 spectators put into operation in Ferghana.
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Youth football team of Uzbekistan flew to Portugal
26.03.2015 | Youth football team of Uzbekistan U-20 flew to the city of Coimbra in Portugal, in order to spend a training camp in the period from March 25 to 30.
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"Wild nature of Uzbekistan"
26.03.2015 | German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in the framework of the EU project "Management of forests and biodiversity, including environmental monitoring (FLERMONECA)" announces the competitive online exhibition of children’s drawings "Wild nature of (...)
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Discussion of the draft law
26.03.2015 | At the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a «round table» dedicated to discussion of the draft law «On introducing amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On protection and use of wildlife» was (...)
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