News and events

Expanding opportunities for entrepreneurs
06.04.2015 | Favorable business environment created in our country for entrepreneurs, along with the development of the private sector to effectively affect the overall development of the economy, thereby contributing to the welfare of the (...)
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Inter-parliamentary relations between Uzbekistan and Germany getting stronger
05.04.2015 | At the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held a "round table" on the theme "Strengthening and development of inter-parliamentary relations between Uzbekistan and Germany".
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Meeting with foreign experts in NAEMM
05.04.2015 | In the youth telecomplex "Bunyodkor" held a meeting with a member of the Central Board of the Foundation n.a. Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Dieter Althaus and the head of the regional office of the Fund Thomas Kunze, chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) (...)
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Under the brand name "Avicenna"
05.04.2015 | Today, the pharmaceutical industry of Uzbekistan concerns to dynamically developing sectors of the national economy. This is due to the fact that the state policy and strategy development of the industry aimed at stimulating the growth of productive capacity to (...)
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Job fair in the tourism sector
05.04.2015 | On April 16, 2015 in Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE) will host a job fair in the tourism sector for graduates and professional colleges of the country.
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Regional initiatives
05.04.2015 | Within the frameworks of the regional program for socio-economic development of the Bukhara region for the period 2013-2015, special attention is paid to the development of industrial production, the implementation of new projects for the creation of modern (...)
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Enhancement of financial sector discussed in Tashkent
04.04.2015 | An international scientific-practical conference on the theme "Increasing the role of the financial sector in Uzbekistan through the use of foreign experience" took place today in the Tashkent Financial (...)
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