Other news and events

"Uzbekinvest" realizes a program for the further implementation of ICT
13.04.2015 | The implementation of modern information and communication technologies in various sectors is a necessary condition for the development of any country.
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14 Medical centers in Tashkent region get reconstructed
12.04.2015 | Construction works in medical centers get started the estimated cost of which is 36, 2 billion soums.
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The best teacher of the year
12.04.2015 | The Ministry of Public Education has summed up the results of the traditional annual contest "The Best Subject Teacher of the Year", reports press service of the ministry.
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The World Fencing Championship among cadets and juniors completes in Uzbekistan
12.04.2015 | The World Fencing Championship among cadets and juniors completed on April 9 in Tashkent.
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World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics
12.04.2015 | April 12 the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Space (Space Probe Day) - a memorable date, dedicated to the first manned flight into space.
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"Current issues in civil cases supervisory procedures"
11.04.2015 | Tashkent hosted a "round table" on topic "Current issues in civil cases supervisory procedures", according to the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan.
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Uzbekistan participated at the workshop of the World Intellectual Property Organization
11.04.2015 | The representative of the Agency on intellectual property of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated at the workshop organized by the Australian Government jointly with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), reports press service of the (...)
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A Festival of German films for children and youth
11.04.2015 | A Festival of German films for children and youth "Shum bola - 2015", organized by the Goethe Institute kicks off at the metropolitan cinema palace named after Alisher Navoi from April 30 to May 3, as well as at the cinema palace "Shark Yulduzi" in Samarkand on May (...)
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Issues of improvement of the methodology and approaches of religious studies discussed
10.04.2015 | On April 9, Tashkent Islamic University hosted the Republican conference on the theme "Actual issues of improving the methodology and approaches of religious studies".
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The rowing and canoeing Championship of Uzbekistan completed
10.04.2015 | The championship of Uzbekistan on rowing and canoeing, which took place on the Tuyabuguzsk water reservoir (Tashmore) has completed. The competition was attended by more than 200 athletes from the city of Tashkent and all regions of the country, reports IA (...)
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A solemn event dedicated to the 679th anniversary of Sahibkiran Amir Temur
10.04.2015 | In Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to honouring the memory of Amir Temur, deep study and promotion of his life and work.
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Information message about the XXVI meeting of the RATS SCO
10.04.2015 | Today in Tashkent under the chairmanship of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a regular XXVI meeting of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS SCO). It was attended by the representatives of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, (...)
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Retrospective exhibition of paintings opens in Tashkent
10.04.2015 | This year the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Directorate of art exhibitions is celebrated.
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The turnover of securities market in the first quarter made 257.4 billion soums
10.04.2015 | According to the Republican stock exchange (RSE) “Toshkent" and the Central Depository for securities, the aggregate turnover of the market of shares and corporate bonds of Uzbekistan in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to 257.4 billion soums, which exceeds the (...)
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The first phase of the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange has started
10.04.2015 | The first stage of the IX International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange (IIFCE) started in regions of the country, reports news agency Uzbekistan Today.
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F.Petrushka: "In Uzbekistan sport fosters friendship and sincere contacts between people and continents"
10.04.2015 | For the first time in the capital of Uzbekistan held a worldwide Fencing Championship among cadets and juniors, which was attended by more than 1,300 athletes from more than 100 countries.
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X International Specialized Exhibition Apteka Expo Central Asia 2015
09.04.2015 | In the capital, under the Medical Forum "Healthcare Week in Uzbekistan - TIHE 2015" will be held X International Specialized Exhibition Apteka Expo Central Asia 2015, reports website www.ite-uzbekistan.uz.
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Solar photoelectric station opens in Namangan region
09.04.2015 | Grand opening of the testing solar photoelectric station took place in Pap district of Namangan region, reports IA UzReport.
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International conference in the field of textile industry
09.04.2015 | Tashkent hosted an international conference devoted to the introduction of modern technologies and increased international cooperation in the textile industry, according to the National Information Agency (...)
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The great heritage of Amir Temur
09.04.2015 | Uzbekistan gaining independence became able to restore historical justice, to revive the names of many great ancestors and their rich heritage. A special place in their series takes Amir Temur, who became a symbol of courage, bravery and wisdom, national pride of (...)
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