Other news and events

Uzbekistan shares the experience of mahalla as a unique model of self-government and social development
04.12.2024 | An official document of the General Assembly on the unique system of citizen self-government - "mahalla" in Uzbekistan was distributed to the UN. It is based on the Samarkand Declaration adopted during the International Conference "The Role of Mahalla in Improving (...)
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In the first 10 months of the year, Uzbekistan – Russian trade reached 9.7 billion dollars
03.12.2024 | On December 2, the Minister of Investment, Industry, and Trade Laziz Kudratov took part in the 3rd meeting of the Working Group on increasing trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Russia via videoconference.
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The First Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan meets with the UAE Ambassador
03.12.2024 | The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhromjon Aloyev received the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates Saeed Matar AlQemzi yesterday.
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The results of implementing transformation programs and plans for the future reviewed
03.12.2024 | On December 2, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the progress of the transformation programs of metallurgical enterprises and their plans for 2025.
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The Constitution is a guarantee of human rights and freedoms
02.12.2024 | December 8 – Day of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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The Uzbek FM and the head of a Chinese company discuss creating the most advanced infrastructure in Uzbekistan’s tourism
02.12.2024 | The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov met with the Chairman of the Minyoun Group Zhang Jianming, in Chengdu, China.
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Agreement on Mutual Visa Exemption between Uzbekistan and China
02.12.2024 | In accordance with the agreement between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the President of the People’s Republic of China, yesterday, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two countries signed the Agreement on mutual exemption from visa requirements (...)
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The Constitution of New Uzbekistan: Creation, Adoption, and Implementation
02.12.2024 | This year, Uzbekistan is widely celebrating the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the main idea "The Constitution is the guarantee of a free and prosperous life!". Systematic organizational, practical, spiritual-cultural, educational, and (...)
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Investment development, poverty, and unemployment reduction will be a priority in Bukhara
29.11.2024 | On November 29, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting dedicated to identifying additional opportunities, increasing investment inflows and creating jobs in Bukhara region.
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What is important for Uzbekistan in international and regional counter-terrorism cooperation
29.11.2024 | In today’s challenging times, the fight against terrorism remains one of the most important tasks for the international community. In this context, the joint search for effective solutions to combat this dangerous phenomenon, which knows no borders, nationality, or (...)
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The Armed forces are a reliable guarantor of the stability in the New Uzbekistan
29.11.2024 | Today, due to active cooperation between the national army and the people, our Armed Forces are becoming a reliable guarantor of development, peace and stability in the country, a true school of strength and courage. Shavkat Mirziyoyev President of the Republic (...)
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In Uzbekistan the makhalla institute — a key platform for promoting human dignity
29.11.2024 | The makhalla serves as a social space, acting as a bridge of trust between society and the state, fostering socialization and cultivating a spirit of tolerance and commitment to the well-being of the community. Across our country, there are 9,435 makhallas, each (...)
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Uzbekistan stands for cooperation between Central Asian countries in the field of ensuring water security
29.11.2024 | During the last years the issues of ensuring water security are becoming an urgent task for the region of Central Asia. At the same time the prior direction of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the development of cooperation with the countries of (...)
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Media independence is the key to creating a strong civil society in Uzbekistan
28.11.2024 | In the modern world, few people would argue with the thesis that for the sustainable development of both the country and society, the media must play a special role. What is this role? It is an important function of a connecting bridge between society and the (...)
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Uzbekistan is creating a system of public services without bureaucracy and corruption
28.11.2024 | According to the research of the World Bank, it was noted that in Uzbekistan, heads of large enterprises and small enterprises spend 31% and 26% of their time respectively, solving bureaucratic issues, entering into relations with state bodies and hokims. However, (...)
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Italian Ambassador completes his diplomatic mission in Uzbekistan
27.11.2024 | The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov held a farewell meeting with Agostino Pinna, who is completing his diplomatic mission as the Ambassador of Italy to Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan MFA (...)
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Uzbekistan and Russia develop trade, economic, and investment cooperation
26.11.2024 | A delegation of the government and business community led by the Governor of the Voronezh region of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Gusev visited the city of Bukhara. The Hokim of the region Botir Zaripov welcomed the (...)
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Food security issues considered
26.11.2024 | On November 25, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of proposals to ensure food security and increase the yield of cotton and grain crops.
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How many foreign citizens visited Uzbekistan for commercial purposes?
26.11.2024 | In January-October 2024, 133.1 thousand foreign citizens visited Uzbekistan for business purposes. According to the Statistics Agency, this figure increased by 81.2 thousand people, or 2.6 times, compared with the same period last (...)
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Uzbekistan exports its products to 115 countries
25.11.2024 | Export is a key driver of the economy, enabling the development of production, the creation of new jobs, and the growth of GDP. For this reason, every state seeks to support enterprises aiming to expand their exports to international markets. This article explores (...)
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